Many healthy returns: Help boost employee immune systems when the office reopens


As the impact of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 wanes in parts of the United States, employees are returning to the workplace in growing numbers. Some may welcome a chance to see co-workers in person instead of a Zoom window, but many may worry about staying healthy as they trade their home kitchen for a communal break room.

Keeping the office clean will help ease that anxiety, but employers should also educate employees about boosting their personal immunity. For a start, that means encouraging better nutrition, addressing stress levels elevated by COVID-related anxiety, and educating employees about the importance of good sleep habits.

Alyfe can help. With engaging new Wellness Kits that explain how lifestyle choices affect immunity and a four-week challenge that encourages employees to make immune-boosting changes, we can equip employees with knowledge and strategies that go beyond wearing a mask at their desks or stocking up on hand sanitizer.

Our Immune Boost Challenge dedicates one week each to four areas — diet, hydration, exercise, and sleep — that are key to good immune health. Participants will learn how the immune system works and complete activities designed to help them build good immune-health habits. Lessons will go beyond common-knowledge steps like increased hand-washing to explain the value of good sleep and good mental health.

By the time they reach the challenge’s fourth week, participants will be equipped with tools to take control of their immune health.

There may never be a better time to reach employees with these messages. People are more open than ever to make changes that will protect their health. At Alyfe, we have seen increased interest in smoking cessation programs and a 75% increase in searches for articles about staying healthy. Articles about keeping work-spaces clean have twice as many hits as any other topic area.

The audience is there, in other words. And with a little guidance, employers can equip employees to stay healthy as they return to the office.

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