More than physical. Mental and emotional health are key to employee well-being

Health has been on everybody’s mind the past few months. By one estimate, 90% of people wash their hands more frequently now than they did before the coronavirus arrived in the United States, and many say thorough, 20-second washes are now part of their routine. In addition, people are wearing masks in public, improving their diet, vowing to quit smoking, and making other lifestyle changes designed to reduce their COVID-19 risk.

That’s a great start, but physical fitness is only part of the equation. Good mental health is at least as important to overall well-being, and in an environment with unprecedented stressors — from virus fears to economic concerns to disrupted sleep patterns — protecting mental health is particularly important. Why? Because when mental health suffers, people are more likely to make decisions in panic mode. That means they’re more likely to skip exercise because they feel overwhelmed or rely on comfort food because they lack the motivation to make something healthy.

Alyfe has long recognized the value of good mental and emotional health, and we have resources that go beyond nutrition and exercise to address all aspects of well-being. Our new Wellness Kits equip employees with tools to boost their overall well-being. The Mindfulness Wellness Kit, for example, features a calendar designed to help users be more aware of activities as simple as enjoying their morning coffee. Encouraging individuals to focus on those small details helps them settle into a steady state where it’s easier to make logical decisions.

Most people understand the value of eating fruits and vegetables and getting regular exercise, and they can connect an expanding waistline to the fact their gym has been closed for months. The effects of poor mental health are harder to see. That’s why it’s important for employers to provide tools to manage their mental and emotional well-being. By doing so, employers can help employees manage stress before it becomes a true mental health crisis.

In addition to our Wellness Kits, Alyfe provides a number of emotional health resources on our participant portal.


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