Real people. Real solutions. Results that matter.

Embrace Change: Solving challenges for our clients


This has been an unusual year, but goals shift even in years without this level of global upheaval. By maintaining consistent communication and understanding needs, Alyfe will continue working side by side with clients to achieve well-being success no matter what challenges arise.

Consider the case of a large school consortium in northeast Ohio. They launched a well-being initiative for 2019-20 that made on-site screenings and provider visits a centerpiece. Then the pandemic hit, and employees had trouble scheduling provider visits. In addition, with an increased number of employees working remotely, on-site screenings were no longer convenient. As a result, employee response plummeted. Alyfe stepped up to the plate and quickly strategized on a new approach.

Because the consortium’s goal was ultimately to connect employees to well-being resources, Alyfe introduced health adviser calls as an alternative to in-person visits and worked diligently to promote the change to members. Adviser calls allow employees to discuss their health needs, discover well-being resources, and connect with a health coach if their situation warrants it.

By listening to the client’s goals, working with their healthcare consultant, adjusting to changing circumstances, and moving quickly, Alyfe helped the consortium increase participation and overall engagement.

The situation was somewhat different for a Columbus-based public transportation system as the organization’s well-being vendor went out of business over the summer and they had to make quick decisions about next steps. Alyfe was able to meet this client’s needs and worked with the organization to create an approach that met a very short timeline but also provided enhancements. In the past, the administrative burden for incentive management fell to the client. Alyfe was able to design a phased website launch that not only allowed employees to better track rewards, but also automated the back-end process to lessen the burden on the client. This approach eased their transition to a new vendor in a very abbreviated timeframe, but also gave them improved solutions to meet ongoing program needs.

While these are very different situations, they are united by a common theme: flexibility and consultation. Implementing an engaging well-being initiative requires more than choosing a website or scheduling screenings. The relationship and consultative approach Alyfe develops with our clients allows us to design solutions that engage very unique cultures. Connect with us today on how our consultative approach can work for you!

“Alyfe listens to our needs and is accommodating, flexible, easy to work with and tailors to our unique needs. This has positively impacted our culture of well-being within our organization.”
— Brian Kern, Treasurer/CFO = Dublin City Schools


Our solutions

At Alyfe, we understand that not all organizations and certainly not all participants want or need the same type of well-being solution. We intentionally spelled our company name Alyfe (pronounced a-life), because we believe that lasting change comes from individuals finding their “y” in life.  And, to reach your bottom line corporate goals, you need every employee committing to behavior change they can maintain for the long term.  The last few months have put a strain on businesses everywhere, and the need for cost-effective, whole-person well-being approaches are in high demand.

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