Change is the only stable ground to stand on

Change is the only constant. Insights from Priya Lakhi.

As we get deeper into this coronavirus situation, whether we’re conscious of it or not, we are being given a chance to change. Actually, change is being forced upon us. pandemic, anyone? 

During this time of the shelter-in-place, what supports you in life becomes clearer, and what doesn’t serve you slowly starts to fall away.

How have you been living in this process? Are you noticing these changes? Are you resisting the changes?

Even without coronavirus in our lives, we all face changes every day – whether it is a simple change in the weather, our schedule or expected change of seasons.

The change affects us all and we each deal with change differently. This only constant in life, the only thing we can be sure will happen… change.

Here’s the truth: change is inevitable. Growth from change is a choice.

To expect change can bring peace during challenging or unexpected life events.

We’ve come to realize it’s not the circumstances (or the changes) that dictate how our life will go. Rather how we handle those changes and disruptions. 

No matter how we experience the “coronavirus times”, how we embrace that change will forever impact how we come out on the other side. How do we create a “new normal”?

Empowered lives have one thing in common. They all require change.

If you’re in change (like we ALL are right now), you’re going to feel bad sometimes. That doesn’t mean the change you’re making is wrong. It just means its uncomfortable because it is unfamiliar.

When your feelings come calling, open the door. They have messages for you. Listen. You can handle whatever you discover.

If you can, prioritize well-being. We all need to be healthier than ever - mentally, emotionally and physically - for ourselves and others.

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