Alyfe Wellbeing Strategies

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Teachable moments — Why health and education matters at a screening event

Biometric health screenings are a core component of most well-being strategies. For employees, the experience of an on-site screening can be life-changing—especially when you pair screenings with health education. We have always advocated a best practice is to have a one-on-one private “teachable moment” at the end of a screening process. We bring highly trained staff to complete the seamless screening process, and then we have each participant meet with a Registered Dietitian to explain what each number means—and why they should care.

When you know your numbers and you have someone to help you understand those numbers—chances are you’re going to pause. Our Registered Dietitians explain the numbers (and risks) in a common-sense approach that we call “results coaching.” The teachable moment allows for an intentional pause where the employee is supported to create an action plan within the Company’s well-being offering, whether that be health coaching, on-line workshops and/or upcoming challenges.

Each of our team members attending your screening event is trained on the Company culture, all well-being offerings, and incentive programs so we are armed with all the information to help your program succeed. 

Here are three reasons to give your employees the power of knowledge with one-to-one health education at your next screening:

  1. Screenings offer the perfect teachable moment. Because what you don’t know can hurt you. “I feel fine” is not a reliable gauge of health. If we can identify the risk, we can mitigate the risk. The screening is a proven predictor of future health concerns.

  2. Our health educators are Registered Dietitians. Registered Dietitians are uniquely qualified because they are health experts with clinical education. In addition, they have also been trained with motivational interviewing techniques that allow for compassion, empathy, and strategy with a common-sense delivery of actionable recommendations.

  3. Knowledge is power. A 15-20-minute process (within walking distance from your desk) can help people change their life. 75% of health care costs are attributed to chronic conditions that are preventable. Let’s arm our team with vital information so they can make healthier decisions moving forward. At Alyfe, walk-ins are welcome!

At Alyfe Wellbeing Strategies, we complete thousands of comprehensive biometric health screenings every year—through fingerstick onsite screenings, physician results forms for screening with a primary care physician, and LabCorp and medical provider screening options. CONTACT US to discuss your needs and strategize about what you can do to take your employees from WELLNESS TO WHOLENESS.