Alyfe Wellbeing Strategies

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3 creative ways to improve employee engagement

Did you know that engaged employees are 28% more likely to participate in a well-being program at work? Take a moment to conduct a mini check-up on the engagement of your employees. Ask yourself, “is there anything that I can do to improve my employees’ engagement?” To help you get started, below are three novel ways with which you can boost the engagement of your employees.

Offer Healthier Options at Work: A recent employee well-being survey found that employees want healthier food options while at work. This creates a great opportunity for employers. Healthy food options can be included in vending machines, the cafeteria, and in meetings at which food is offered. Eating healthy will increase your employees’ productivity and work performance. As an added bonus, offering healthy food options will increase your employees’ engagement.

Say “Thank You”: Don’t just show your appreciation at an annual performance review. Showing appreciation is one of the most important things that you can do for your employees. Employees who feel appreciated work harder and care more about their job. For example, you could initiate “Thank You Thursday” at your worksite where employees are encouraged to thank three of their coworkers every Thursday.

Volunteer Together: Volunteering helps create a sense of purpose. It also helps strengthen employee relationships and morale. Volunteering offers a great way for people to remember just how valuable their time is—especially when it is used for the benefit of others. For example, you could initiate a volunteer day on which your employees spend the day volunteering at a local non-profit, such as a food pantry or a local meals-on-wheels provider.

What other creative ideas has your organization implemented to boost employee engagement? How successful have they been? We would love to learn what has worked and not worked for you in the past. Talk to us in the comments section!